Post-Operative Care
Cold / Warm Compress
Cold & warm therapy is very helpful to minimize post-operative pain and swelling at the incision site. Watch our video to learn more!
The “Lick Sleeve“ Anti-Lick Tool
Lick Sleeve is a great tool to help keep your pet’s incision site clean and protected, decreasing the risk of complications such as opening of the incision and infection. Watch our video to learn more!
Feeding Your Pet After Surgery
Dr. Kate discusses what to feed your pet after surgery. Watch our video to learn more!
Incisional Care After Surgery
Surgical healing without complication is our #1 goal. Watch our video to learn what to expect after surgery and how to care for the surgical site.
Exercise Restriction After Surgery
Too much activity can cause serious complications to the surgical site. It’s extremely important to keep your pet well rested with very specific, controlled activity. Watch our video to learn more!
Physical Therapy after surgery: Leashed Exercises (Part 1)
Gentle leash walking ands controlled exercises in the weeks following surgery are important for your pet to regain flexibility and rebuild muscle strength. Watch our video to learn more!
Physical Therapy After Surgery: Range of Motion Exercises (Part 2)
Range of motion stretching and exercises in the weeks following surgery are important for your pet to regain flexibility and rebuild muscle strength. Watch our video to learn more!
E-collar: it’s a must!
As annoying as it can be (for you AND your pet!), wearing an e-collar after surgery has many benefits. Watch our video to learn more!
Bandage care at home after surgery
Keeping your pet’s bandage clean and dry is essential to a successful recovery. Watch our video to learn more!
Bowel movements after surgery
The number ONE question we get: Why hasn’t my pet had a bowel movement yet, even one week after surgery? Watch our video to learn more!