How To Take TPLO Radiographs
Views REQUIRED: Lateral stifle, AP/PA stifle, VD extended pelvis
Additional RECOMMENDED views: contralateral stifle views, lateral hip/pelvis
Include our custom Jewel Veterinary Surgery calibration marker (metal business card). The center circle is a specific calibration marker to plan for implants needed.
Sedation is recommended to minimize stress and have successful positioning.
Please use radiation safety protocols! Your staff safety is important to us. Please use all appropriate protective lead equipment and no exposed hands!
Both stifle views will also be needed after surgery for all TPLOs.
Lateral stifle view:
Patient is in lateral with affected leg down
Stifle and hock are each flexed to 90 degrees
Collimate to include hock in radiograph
Femoral condyles are superimposed
The leg is parallel to the table
Anteroposterior (AP) or Posteroanterior (PA) stifle view:
Position patient in dorsal (AP) or sternal recumbency (PA)
Patella is centered and fabellas are centered over condyles
Collimate to Include hock and mid level of femur
Extend limb caudally and rotate limb medially to get patella centered
The leg is parallel to the table
VD extended pelvis view:
Collimate to include pelvis and stifles
Spine should be centered and straight
Consider placing front half of patient in a trough to keep the front of the body from rotating while lower back/pelvis rests on the table
Extend both legs together while parallel to the table
Patellas are centered (internal rotation of the thigh is often needed)